Want to Know a Secret?

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Imagine looking at sheet music for the first time. It looks so technical, so abstract. Would you ever believe that all these lines and squiggles actually express beauty, passion, sadness, joy? Unless you are an accomplished musician, can you hear Beethoven’s Ninth when you look at the musical notations for it? You might not even know what you are looking at.

Kabbalah, the mystical interpretation of the prophetic teachings of Moses, is written in a language that like sheet music is impossible to appreciate unless you are, so to speak, an “accomplished musician.” Basically, we’re given sheet music that we can barely read, without a clue as how to convert it into the experience of music.

What I do is try to help people convert the “sheet music” of Kabbalah into the experience it is intended to represent.

The Kabbalah is referred to as the “secrets of life.” After so much has been written and said about it, it seems odd that it should still be called a secret. But even after you have read and studied it, the Kabbalah still remains a secret, because you can only come to know the meaning of the Kabbalah experientially, not intellectually. In other words, someone can define chocolate for you. There is a definition for chocolate in the dictionary: “fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.” But, if you’ve never tasted chocolate, could you know what it is by reading that definition? To understand the essence of chocolate, you have to taste it.

People buy books on the Kabbalah hoping to understand deep mystical concepts by reading about them. But you can‘t just read about the Kabbalah. Sure, you can absorb a lot of information, but in order to truly understand, you must translate what you read into experience. This is why I wrote Seeing God, Ten Life-Changing Lessons of the Kabbalah, to help translate that experience with real-life examples for you.

The Kabbalah is referred to as the secret not because no one is willing to tell you what‘s written there, but because its truth must be ultimately understood experientially. This is key to the Kabbalah—you have to experience it.

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