Bonding or Bondage: Why Serve G-d? – Sparks

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Bonding or Bondage: Why Serve G-d?

“For unto Me the children of Israel are servants; they are My servants who I took out of the land of Egypt; I am the Lord G-d.” — Leviticus 25:55

There is an Eastern teaching that proclaims, “Be here and now.” Torah however would say, “Serve G-d here and now.” Indeed, this is the fullest experience of life.

The Kabbalah teaches that G-d wants to be present in the here and now, and our job is to serve G-d in that desire. Therefore, to serve G-d, the All-Good, means to infuse each moment with the presence of G-dly goodness. In other words, I must always ask myself, “How can I serve G-d right now and bring the presence of goodness to the world?”

If right now I am with my friend, spouse or child, I should see this moment as an opportunity to show him/her love and thus serve G-d, who is the source and essence of all love. It’s not my love. I didn’t invent love. I didn’t create love and I didn’t give it its’ power and meaning. Love did not start with me and love will not end with me. I am not the master of love but I am the servant of love and when I love someone I am serving to make Divine love present in the here and now.

My service to G-d is to channel love, compassion, justice, wisdom or whatever divine value the moment calls for — present in this moment. That is fully living. The goal of life is to serve G-d, the All-Good, here and now.

Torah teaches that there is no greater joy in life than to serve G-d. Divine Goodness becomes present in this world through you and me. To live G-d’s purpose is to serve. This is our ultimate reward, accomplishment and ecstasy. This is the meaning of our existence on earth and this is the key to happiness.

People think that serving G-d is demeaning; servitude implies a slave-master relationship. But that is not the real meaning of serving G-d. The opportunity to serve G-d is the greatest gift we could ever imagine. It’s empowering. To serve G-d means to serve the All Good; to channel Love, Peace, Justice, Kindness and all other facets of Good into the world.

Working for G-d is not a diminishing experience. On the contrary, it’s uplifting and energizing. If I build my business for my own sake, to make money for me, it is really no big deal. But if I build my business for G-d’s sake, for Goodness sake, if I look at what I do and ask myself how can I promote G-dly goodness in this world — how can I bring more good to the world, how can I be an instrument serving to reveal divine values and ideals in the world — it’s an unbelievable feeling of joy.

Because when you serve Good you feel good!

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