Philosophy is a crime

Philosophy is a crime if I end up just talking about life rather than living it. It’s as foolish as eating the menu rather than the meal.


If life feels unkind you might just find that it could all change if you just change your mind.

Loving You

You can’t truly love God if you don’t love yourself.

Are the Righteous & Evil Equally Connected with G-d?

Your ultimate choice is whether you are conscious of your connection to God or not. The righteous person and the evil person are equally connected to God but they are not equally conscious of the connection.

If you truly believe that you and I are connected to God – and a facet and aspect of Hashem – how should be relate to each other?Continue reading“Are the Righteous & Evil Equally Connected with G-d?”

The Spiritual Meaning of Passover

In this short, but powerful, recording Rabbi Aaron discusses the spiritual meaning of Passover which is a message of love. He explains that “Passover” refers to a specific event in the story of our going out of Egypt – the last plague.

On Seder night, we tell over the story of how the Jewish people were in their homes after having been commanded to paint the blood of the pascal lamb on their doorposts. As the story unfolds many of us are left with this very disturbing image of G-d personally going into Egypt and skipping over – hopping and passing over – Jewish homes when He sees that blood.

Have you ever wondered why, out of the entire Exodus saga, that this one event seems to have captured the meaning of this piece of history so much so that the holiday is named Passover? Why does the Exodus become understood as Pesach?

Sick Minds, Sick Bodies

How can we understand the physical impact of our moral and spiritual actions? The Kabbalah teaches that the world you and I live in is a product of our perception of reality. Do we see reality or do we see our perception of reality? The Zohar explains that the colors and textures and shapes of this world exist in your eyes. Is the Zohar saying that this world is an illusion?

Why Eat Kosher?

Judaism does not advocate complete suppression of our negative urges rather it gives us outlets to sublimate them while guiding us to gradually overcome them. Therefore, when we crave, we must satisfy the craving in some way while working towards kicking the habit.