You Are Loved: Stand Up and Be Counted #Parsha

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The LORD spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the Desert of Sinai on the first day of the second month of the second year after the Israelites came out of Egypt. He said: “Take a census of the whole community of Israel by their families and households, listing every man by name, one by one.”     ~~~ Numbers 1:1-2

Because of His [G-d’s] love He counts them- Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzchak (RASHI) 

The great Chassidic Master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov taught that a person has to be careful to always see the good in her/himself.  

If you are feeling plagued with low self, doubting your self worth then you need to remind yourself that you are a soul, nothing less than a manifestation of G-d. G-d is counting on you and wants to become present in the world through your good deeds. Torah teaches that there is nothing that you can do that could damage that truth. No matter what you do, your inner self is pure divine light. Your wrongdoings cannot change that truth but they can conceal that truth.  

Take pride in the fact that you are a soul; you are definitely holy. Constantly psyche yourself up to act in a way that will express the truth of your inner godly worth. Chant to yourself over and over again, “I count, I make a divine difference, I am a beloved soul, I am holy, I am good and I owe it to myself to act holy, do good and affirm who I really am.” 

You may have taken on some bad traits. But that only means that your psychological clothing are dirty but that does not make you dirty. Your dirty clothing makes you look dirty and feel dirty but you are clean. So wash your clothing, clean up your act and reveal the pure beautiful godly you.  Your true essential self is holy and good and you must convince yourself of that truth. Do something, even something small and you will feel great results because that good deed is a peep hole into the real you. 

G-d is waiting to be revealed through you. God is counting on you. So go ahead give yourself a huge loving hug, do good and let G-d’s loving light shine upon and through you.

Remember, you are a beloved soul. You count. 

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