What Good are YOU?

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What good are YOU?

You are a certain kind of good, you bring into the world a specific kind of good, and you need to determine what that unique goodness is that you’ve been sent to this world to serve.

What if you don’t feel like serving God? What if Judaism doesn’t make you happy?

What is happiness anyway? And, what is the secret to attaining it?

For a lot of people Torah is a bunch of noise. What does it mean intellectually and experientially? And how does one find joy in avodat Hashem?

Achieving joy and happiness can be difficult, even impossible, if that is your goal. Joy and happiness are wonderful side effects of the true goal, and that goal is to Choose life.  The goal of life is to be fully alive, willing and able to get off the merry-go-round and experience the roller-coaster of emotions. To embrace who you really are and live it.

Join Yehezkel Lang and I in this video as we explore these concepts from my book The God-Powered Life and conduct an experiment. If you struggle with the concept of God, then you won’t want to miss the part where I share the story of enduring pain to payoff the God I feared.

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