David Aaron
Spiritual Visionary and Master Educator
Rabbi David Aaron is a spiritual visionary, master educator, and published best-selling author who has invested 4 decades delving into life’s greatest challenges and sharing Torah’s transformational secrets to living a happier, more fulfilling life.
He has emerged as a ‘Life Optimization Expert” simply because he has dared to ask and answer the difficult questions that we all struggle with about who is God, who are we, and what is life really all about.
A Comprehensive Approach to Spirituality
Rabbi David Aaron gently urges us to take a look at the self-defeating and silly notions we carry about ourselves, God, and the meaning of our lives. His wit lets our inner child listen while our critical mind begins to perceive a profound new world.
Rabbi David Aaron has created a systematic, comprehensive approach to a more inspired, purposeful, soulful, and happier life.
Transformative Teachings
Disarmed by Rabbi Aaron’s exhilarating undeniable clarity, we dare to look at our deepest assumptions, doubts, and fears and challenge our ingrained paradigms. Amazingly, we discover that changing our view of God, ourselves, and our lives gives us access to reserves of personal power we never experienced before. And new doorways open in our loving relationships.
Holistic Understanding of Torah
Disarmed by Rabbi Aaron’s exhilarating undeniable clarity, we dare to look at our deepest assumptions, doubts, and fears and challenge our ingrained paradigms. Amazingly, we discover that changing our view of God, ourselves, and our lives gives us access to reserves of personal power we never experienced before. And new doorways open in our loving relationships.
Books & Teachings
As a child of a holocaust survivor, Rabbi Aaron has struggled to erase his childhood image of God as a punishing old man in the clouds, waiting for us to fail. As we identify with his tales and anecdotes of his own spiritual journey sprinkled throughout all his books, we realize that our childish fears and images often rule our deepest thoughts holding us back from a happier, inspired, and successful life. Rabbi Aaron with his uniquely compelling teachings, slowly peels away the layers of confusion and mis-education and offers us a glimpse of the joy and personal power that a true, working belief in God, ourselves, and our lives can provide.

Professional & Personal Background
Rabbi Aaron received his rabbinic ordination for Yeshivat ITRI. He is the Co-Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Orayta. Additionally, he offers Jewish educational programs in Israel and abroad, including Educators Enrichment, Leadership Training, Executive Seminars, Spiritual Retreats, and Immersive Experiences.
Rabbi Aaron is the author of eight ‘paradigm-shifting’ books: Endless Light, Seeing G-d, Love is My Religion, The Secret Life of G-d, Soul Powered Prayers, Inviting G-d In, Living a Joyous Life, and The G-d-Powered Life. (Several books have been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew.)
Rabbi Aaron lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Chana, and their seven children and grandchildren.
Impact & Legacy
Learning with Rabbi Aaron is profoundly engaging, life-changing, and often very entertaining. People at every level of spiritual knowledge and practice enjoy building on the basics, digging deeper, and mastering new and essential life skills. Finding answers to our big questions, and discovering we are infinitely greater than we think begins a thrilling spiritual journey.
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